S1EX I The Origin Story of My New Normal Podcast

S1EX I The Origin Story of My New Normal Podcast

Welcome to Episode X of My New Normal!  Per and I are coming to you from Mumbai, India.

This first episode is going to be all about the “whys” behind Movement Rx  and our everyday business and the launch of the My New Normal podcast. A behind-the-scenes glance, if you will.

I chose the title “My New Normal” for the podcast because of the adaptive community I work with. One of the things that comes up in when we’re training is “what you had before isn’t what you have now. “

I kept saying, ‘You have this new movement pattern, so let’s adapt to it.” And it just kind of stuck. But then I saw how that could apply to really anyone in life. If you’re a new mom, starting a new job, moving to a new city, you’re going to have a new normal.

If you know me, you know that there’s a mental health aspect to everything I do. And you know that I’m all about adapting to your circumstances. And I’ve found that the people that do the best in life are able to adapt and find a tribe, find their place, find their NEW NORMAL.

Movement Rx was designed to help educate people about the healing power of movement, so I felt it was the perfect foundation for the My New Normal Podcast. I’ll not only be sharing my stories and my path to healing, I’ll be talking with so many amazing athletes and people who have utilized movement as medicine. Which is the heart of our mission at Movement Rx.

In this first season of My New Normal “Tales of the Adaptive Titans”, I’ll be focusing on interviewing the adaptive community and showing how they’ve overcome their struggles and shifted to living a new normal, stronger, more badass life. And I can’t wait for you to tune in!

In this episode I’m talking about:

  • What is “My New Normal”
  • My Warrior story
  • What my new normal looks like
  • Tools I use to adapt

Listen to the first EVER episode of My New Normal below:

Episode X Show Notes:

“Welcome to the first ever episode of the My New Normal Podcast. On this episode I sit down with my husband, Per, to give you the back story on why I am doing this podcast and what you can expect from it.

The episode initially starts out with a discussion about the adaptive population how it inspired this podcast. From there we get into why we are launching this on Movement Rx. Then we take on a big discussion of my personal new normal and the road that has got me to where I am now. We finish up the episode by previewing season 1 of the podcast and what you can expect.

If you enjoy this episode please do us a solid and leave a review or ask a question in the reviews. It makes a big difference in how many people are exposed to this podcast.


1. Learn More About Dr. T, her adventures, and get access to information from her early in her newsletter: https://www.drtheresalarson.com/newsletter/

2. Learn more about her online course Functional Training for the Adaptive Athlete (NSCA CEUs available):  https://www.drtheresalarson.com/adaptive-trainers-course/

3. Learn more about Dr. T’s company, Movement Rx

4. Learn more about Dr. T’s well researched and tested Prehab Programs: The Shoulder Fix:, The Knee Fix, and The Low Back Fix

Start crushing your NEW NORMAL today!

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Lower Back Exercises for Pain Relief Using Stretches

Lower Back Exercises for Pain Relief Using Stretches

In Life and in the Joints

Publishing a book, owning a physical therapy company, and starting a new business in the online rehabilitation space with The Low Back Fix allows me to draw comparisons to life, business, and the body.

Flexibility is the ability to change or shift directions quickly. The focus on your ability to stretch out of a current comfort zone. My physical therapy practice allowed me the flexibility to create online course, write a book, and explore options for my professional growth.

Stability, is your current comfort zone, where there is not much shifting or changing. The stability of my physical therapy practice makes it challenging to move on because of the financial stability it provides my family.

There is an internal struggle of dreaming big, pushing myself, and being pulled back into my stable PT practice.

There is a never-ending balance between growth, risk, and the safety of life.

A Universal Principle

In my physical therapy practice, this balance shows itself in the form of physical pain in the joints and tissues.

Every joint in your body has an optimal range of motion. This optimal range means the joint flexes, extends, and rotates for it to behealthy and pain free.

Tissues surrounding a joint are too flexible, you will feel pain because you are unable to stabilize the joint.

If the tissues lack flexibility, the joints will not be able to reach the end of these optimal ranges.

There is a constant balance in life, and in the human body, of flexibility and stability.

Coach Anders, head coach at The Low Back Fix, takes a deep dive into flexibility, stability, and joint health.

Being aware of the constant battle between flexibility and stability allows you to connect with how you feel professionally, mentally, and physically.

To learn more about the relationship of flexibility and stability, CLICK HERE.

Warrior Strength Training with Brute Strength Podcast

Warrior Strength Training with Brute Strength Podcast

Empower Through Strength

Strength is a word I am constantly using to describe Warrior wellness. It is an all-encompassing term and I am greedy about strength,

I want to be strong in mind, body, faith, friendships, and family. I want my external relationships and the relationship with myself to be strong and empowering.

My memoir was one of the most empowering moments in my life by giving me an outlet to discuss mental strength and resilience. Without my struggles, I would not have the experience and confidence in myself to thrive in life as I do today.

Physical strength is also important to me. I recently had my first baby boy, Magnus. My body has changed and so have my goals. Strength use to be about winning competitions, finishing first in every race, and letting the physical be a symbol of my self-worth.

With the new addition of my son, my goals have changed dramatically. Physical strength is an expression of my motherhood, ability to play, and experience life with Magnus. I do not want to be the strongest or fastest. I want to be the most present and capable to experience life to the fullest. I do not want to miss out on opportunities because my body will not allow it.

I was recently invited with Coach Anders Varner onto the Brute Strength Podcast to discuss strength training, longevity, and longevity.

Topics of discussion:

[10:37] Assessment & correction

[19:29] Why you should be doing unilateral work

[37:47] Working with Military personnel

[49:47] “What is the worst piece of advice?”

[1:00:00] CrossFit Specialty: Adaptive Athletes

Be sure to stay tuned until the very end when I drop some real knowledge on the RICE (rest, ice, compress, and elevate) protocol and the misinformation that surrounds injury rehabilitation.

To listen to the complete episode and learn more about healing your low back pain, click here.

Building a Team to Heal Your Physical and Mental Injuries

Building a Team to Heal Your Physical and Mental Injuries

We, Not I

Warriors, mental and physical health is not done individually. Wellness requires a full team. Dealing with chronic pain requires a back pain exercise treatment plan that is more than just the physical, but mental too.

What is your first reaction when your body or mind experience trauma or injury?

Of course, you go to Google to find the answer.

Have you ever found an answer you liked? For me, I instantly get freaked out by the pictures or the harsh language as attempt to “self-diagnose” my symptoms.

Injury + Google Self Diagnosis= FREAKED THE “F” OUT!

It only took me a short, five years, but I have solved the curse of the Google self-diagnosis. The answer to fixing 96% of all musculoskeletal injuries, general anxiety, or depression is mindful movement.  Only 4% of all injuries are traumatic and non-preventable (Dr. Kelly Starrett).   Your injuries and anxiety have been lurking in the background for months. They did not appear overnight. Repetitive, poor movement patterns and lack of self-care creates increased injury risk and chronic stress.

If you had a weak link on your team, would you say something?

Would you transfer them to a different department and push the problem to someone else?

Or would you sit down with them, find out why they are not doing a good job?

In my business, I want to lead from the front and would create an action plan to help fix their behavior.

Back Pain Exercise Treatment Plan

Your body is the same way. When injured, do you want to rest and do nothing, put a band aid on it with pills and injections, or take action and find out why it happened? If you want the latter, keep reading.

It is not the pills, rest, ice, massage, e-stim, needles, adjustment, or endless talk therapy that is going to give you long term healing. It is identifying and fixing the faulty movements and thoughts. From there, taking physical action to fixing the cause of your mental or physical injury.

Read more to find out what the research says about movement, mindset, and YOUR low back by clicking here.